Offensive comments about your art + how to handle them
As an artist who shares or sells your artwork, you hear a lot of feedback. Most of the time, the comments you’ll receive are appreciative and uplifting. Sometimes though, the comments are offensive — even if that person means well. In this blog post we’ll talk about a few common offensive comments about your artwork and how to handle them. I also have a video where I cover these same comments. If you’re a video person instead of a reader, feel free to watch it here 🙂 “Anyone could do that.” This comment is offensive because it undermines your skill as an artist. If you have a simplistic style, do…
Pricing your art: 9 things to consider (that most forget)
PRICE WITH CONFIDENCE To make money, you have to price your art. This is a high-pressure decision for many artists because it means placing numerical value on our most prized creations. But pricing your art doesn’t have to be nerve-wrecking and don’t worry — you can and should change it later anyway. There are a few main factors to consider when deciding how much to charge: time, size, material. There are other factors to consider also, that many people forget: rarity, selling platform, location, diversity, and knowing when to change your price. TIME Make it worth your time. By that I mean pay yourself a decent hourly wage. If you’re…