The study tools at A Cup of Cloudy help artists climb out of their typical, boring routine and into something that fits them better — like a painting apron 🙂

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Need a more hands-on approach? Get downloadable ebooks, worksheets, and other tools below!


Reach the next level in your art journey with the downloads below.

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Find Your Art Style Free Worksheet - Study at A Cup of Cloudy
An art style boosts your confidence, attracts an audience you can connect with, and helps sell your work. This free worksheet will uncover the textures, colors, and subject matter already present in your art that makes your current style. It also guides you towards new aspects to add to make your style complete!
Build your own artist bio with this easy fill-in-the-blank template by A Cup of Cloudy
Are you an artist who doesn’t have a professional bio yet? Get ready to check this pesky writing task off your to-do list in 10 minutes or less! This FREE worksheet is easy, fast, and will give you a bio you can use over and over again.
What to bring to an art show when you're selling your art by A Cup of Cloudy
Does all of this preparation sound like a lot? Feeling a liiiittle overwhelmed? No worries. I’ve got you covered with this simple, quick and FREE checklist. Check off all the supplies you’ll need for your first art show as a vendor. Print it and use it every time. Never feel unprepared for a show again 🙂
Don’t have a financial plan for your art business? This worksheet is the perfect starting point. Download it for FREE and in minutes you’ll learn exactly how much money you need to earn and how to price your art to reach that goal.
Find your art style mini class video by A Cup of Cloudy
Feel like you don’t have your own signature “look?” Not sure what ties your portfolio together? In this video mini class you’ll find out how much of an art style you really have and what themes are currently running through your artwork. Click to watch now.


Are you the artsy friend that sells their work?

Complete Guide to Your First Art Show is a short downloadable book that walks you through every step in getting your first (or next!) art show gig.

Art shows were the main money-maker, marketing avenue, learning experience and networking opportunity in my business for the first 5 years. Art shows and gallery exhibits can be POWERFUL for starting your art journey — yes, even in this digital landscape.

Click below to learn more about the book and get your eyes on it for $27.

Stop sitting on the sidelines and start doing what you love for a living!
After reading this book, you’ll know exactly what to do to get into your dream event and FINALLY make money to fund your passion. You’ll feel confident when you go to shows and know what to say to customers to make the big sale. You’ll finally stop wondering, “Can I do it?” and start asking, “How can I do it better?”
Read this in an afternoon and get ready to announce your next gig 🙂


Give your artwork a makeover with Elements of Art Style, an online art class that guides you through creating a style that feels like you.

After completing this course, you’ll be making beautiful, stylized artwork that you can feel confident about. You’ll have your own signature “look” or aesthetic. People will be able to recognize your work before they even see your name! And best of all, creating will become fun and satisfying again.

Elements of Art Style - Create your signature artist style course
There are seven lessons in this course. Each lesson will teach you a concept and give you a hands-on activity to match. Here’s the outline:
Lesson 1: Learn what a style does for you and how you’ll be using it when you complete your own.
Lesson 2: We’ll discuss what makes a style and get into the tangible “elements” of a signature look.
Lesson 3: Identify your current style by analyzing recent work.
Lesson 4: Dream up your ideal art aesthetic with a practical inspiration board.
Lesson 5: Learn what a skills gap is and how it can affect your style.
Lesson 6: Make your own rules and set a foundation for your new art style.
Lesson 7: Review! Send me your 3 practice paintings and I’ll give you personalized feedback on style consistency.

Having a defined art style is the mark of a truly accomplished and successful artist.

Secure your spot in Elements of Art Style for $222! 

Doors are now CLOSED!

You’ll have to wait to purchase your spot in Elements of Art Style.

Want to learn more first? Read about the class here.