• How to make a home art studio by Carolyn Whittico at A Cup of Cloudy

    Build a DIY art studio without paying for space

    STUDIO TIME As an artist, you begin to need your own space. Your giant jar of paintbrushes, extra canvasses and countless paints, pencils, and programs start to pile up and suddenly the “do it wherever I can fit it” approach doesn’t cut it anymore. This calls for your own art studio. And it can be easy to build your own…

  • How to price your art prints by Carolyn Whittico at A Cup of Cloudy

    Pricing your art: 9 things to consider (that most forget)

    PRICE WITH CONFIDENCE To make money, you have to price your art. This is a high-pressure decision for many artists because it means placing numerical value on our most prized creations. But pricing your art doesn’t have to be nerve-wrecking and don’t worry — you can and should change it later anyway. There are a few main factors to consider…

  • Brand yourself as an artist by Carolyn Whittico from A Cup of Cloudy

    How to brand yourself as an artist people will remember

    BRANDING COVERS A LOT I preach about making a brand for yourself a lot because I think it’s so important for kicking off your career. But many artists question how useful it is or ask how you even go about “branding” yourself. (Hint: no hot metal is required for this one.) Every company has a brand, and if you want…